
Automatic blood test machine

Mythic 22 AL Automated Hematology Analyzer

Model: Mythic 22 AL

Manufacturer: Orphee

Origin: Switzerland

Infomation product

• Mythic 22 AL is a 24-parameter fully automated hematology analyzer: WBC, LYM% and #, MON% and #, NEU% and #, BAS% and #, EOS% and #, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT MPV, PCT, PDW, RDW-SD, P-LCR.

• Compact size, simple maintenance process, easy to implement

• Fully automated sample loading system

• Use only 3 reagents on the instrument, thus saving the cost

• Sample volume <20 μl

• Calibration: automatically or manually


• Impedance (WBC, RBC, PLT)

• Spectrum (HGB)

• Optical (5-diff)

• Photometric measurement of non-hydrogen cells

• Optical laser method to distinguish 5 components of white blood cells, using semiconductor diode

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