
Urine tests diagnose osteoporosis

Urine tests diagnose osteoporosis

American scientists at Arizona State University are conducting research to detect loss of bone density through urine testing.

  This work was funded by the NASA Center because according to them, when carrying out flights in space, many astronauts frequently lose bone due to not being detected early.

"Currently there are not many means that can detect bone loss before this process has consequences for patients," said Professor Ariel Anbar, the lead researcher.

The researchers' methods of analyzing calcium isotopes in urine, which are considered indicators of bone strength.

The researchers conducted experiments on 10 volunteers by giving them a 30-day break to stimulate conditions similar to conditions that could cause bone loss in space. Tests show signs of bone loss that are evident after 10 days of experimentation where volunteers do not have to take X-rays or eat artificial markers.

This work opened up a new way of diagnosing osteoporosis and it could also help detect myeloma, a type of cancer that causes bone destruction. «Currently, pain is often the first sign of bone cancer. If we can detect it early with a urine test or a blood test in high-risk people, the treatment will improve a lot, "said Mayo clinic doctors.