
BC-5800 Automated Hematology Analyzer

BC-5800 Automated Hematology Analyzer Zoom
BC-5800 Automated Hematology Analyzer

Model: BC-5800

Manufacturer: Mindray

Origin: China

Infomation product
  • The BC 5800 is a fully automated analyzer with 29 parameters, 5 white blood cell components, 2 charts + 2 scattering graphs
  • The BC 5800 uses very economical and efficient semiconductor laser technology as a light source to count cell lines. Thanks to the analysis of different angles of laser dispersion, the cell line is fully analyzed, including cell size, cell composition and complex cell structure.
  • The dual-acceleration acceleration cell system reduces the speed difference between Sheath Flow and Blood Cell, ensuring a more stable signal. By using unique reagents and hydrodynamics, a single cell line is activated for accurate measurement through scattering lasers.
  • Basophils and eosinophils are measured accurately by dyeing reagent. Mindray produces both reagents, controls and calibrators to create a complete set of reagents to ensure high accuracy.
  • 2 counting types: full blood use and pre-dilution
  • Basophil measurement by independent channel and photometric method
  • Abnormal cell warning capabilities: Using scattering laser technology and dyeing technology, BC 5800 can alert abnormal cells. Through the full analysis of CBC, the instrument determines abnormal or suspicious information as well as atypical lymphocytes, identifies large immature cells, warns abnormal cells, helps the doctor give decide whether to run the sample again.
  • Optional: Automatic sample transfer, Barcode scanner (optional)
  • Wide TFT touch screen
  • Storage capacity: 40,000 samples
  • Support one-way or two-way lab management information software interface
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